Will the U.S. default on its debt?

President Obama recently made the statement, “Raising the debt ceiling… does not increase our debt.”  Thus began what has become perennial debate between the president and Congress about raising the debt ceiling.

Obama Presser

In his remarks, President Obama also said, “All [raising the debt ceiling] does is it says you got to pay the bills that you’ve already racked up, Congress.  It’s a basic function of making sure that the full faith and credit of the United States is preserved.”

Also recently, the president said in a campaign-style speech to autoworkers that Republicans are “willing to plunge America into default, if we can’t fund Obamacare… We don’t run out on our tab.  We just can’t not pay our bills… I will not negotiate over the full faith and credit of the United States.”

There are three kinds of obligations: debt already incurred, legal promises made, and political promises made.

Debt Already Incurred
This debt is the debt that is clearly seen.  You can check this amount on the Debt Clock website, http://www.usdebtclock.org/.  It’s the amount that the U.S. has borrowed from individuals, countries, and anyone else that has bought our treasury bonds.  This amount is currently $16.7T (according to the Treasury).  In order to hold that debt, the U.S. pays interest on that debt every year.  It doesn’t actually pay OFF the debt, it just pays interest on the debt to service the debt, and it’s on track to be around $420B this year.  Given that the U.S. Treasury brings around $2,449B (in 2012), the U.S. can easily service its existing debt, with no danger of default.  The only reason that we would default on our current debt is if someone in charge decides not to make our interest payments.

Legal Promises Made
If the U.S. enters into a contract with an individual or company, they are legally and morally obligated to make good on those contracts, which can mean incurring more debt to do so.  The U.S. may sign a contract with a defense company to design and build a new fighter jet.  It may sign a contract with a construction company to build a road or a building.  It may sign a contract with an employee to do contract work.  These are legal obligations.  However, even these contracts are usually written so that the U.S. can get out of them if the economic environment changes, and sometimes for no reason whatsoever.

So, the country may have some contractual obligations of which it can’t get out, but these are relatively small.

Political Promises Made
The largest area of obligations is political obligations.  These are political promises that have been made, like Social Security funding, Medicare funding, funding departments like Commerce, State and HUD, etc.  We cannot “default” on these obligations.  They are not obligations that are set in stone.  A political promise that was made by politicians 20 years ago cannot bind a Congress today.  The Congress today cannot bind the Congress four years from now.  Congress could, if it wanted, pass a law that disbanded Social Security and Medicare, and we would not have to incur debt to pay for those programs (it would be morally wrong to put the elderly out on the streets, and it would be political suicide, but it could be done).  The Congress could, if it chose, close the Department of Education and the Department of Commerce, and we would not be obligated to incur debts to pay for those departments any more.  The Congress could, if it chose, decide to fund the military at 2% of GDP instead of 3% of GDP, and the U.S. future debt obligations would go down.

The Reality
The reality is, the U.S. can service it’s debt, pay for Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and all military salaries, and still have $17.5B left over every month (see chart below).  So, when Democrats make the argument that not raising the debt ceiling will cause us to default on our debts, they’re just plain lying.

U.S. Monthly Income


U.S. Monthly Debt Interest Payments


U.S. Social Security Payments


U.S. Medicare and Medicaid


U.S. Soldiers Salaries


Total Left Over



The Bottom Line
Leaving the debt ceiling in place, rather than raising it, would force irresponsible politicians in Washington, D.C. to finally face the hard problems, change the political promises that were made by politicians in years past, and put the United States on the path to living within its means.  It would force them to pay our bills, rather than borrowing money to avoid paying our bills.

However, clearing up that Democrats are lying about whether the U.S. will default on its debt doesn’t answer the question about whether or not freezing the debt ceiling will cause other economic problems or what changes need to be made in order to live within our means, but those are the right questions to be debating.  I hope to write again in the future about these other issues.

Shutdown Update: CRs that have passed in Congress

I searched far and wide for information on what legislation that is being pressed through Congress, and I found little bits here and there, but none of it all in one place. So, here are the continuing resolutions that Congress is working on, and a brief update on each piece of legislation:

Pay Our Military Act (H R 3210)
This continuing resolution was passed by the House on September 29, before the shutdown began. It allows the military to continue to be paid during any shutdown of FY2014. It passed the House 423-0, was passed by voice vote in the Senate, and was signed into law by the president on September 30.

District of Columbia (H J Res 71)
The District of Columbia is governed directly by Congress, and even though the District continues to collect funds throughout the shutdown, all the money goes into the federal government coffers before being disbursed to the District. This CR was necessary to release the DC funds to the District. It was passed by a voice vote in the House (which allowed Democrats to not have to vote against it), and has not yet been considered by the Senate.

National Parks (H J Res 70)
A bill funding the National Park Service has been passed by the House of Representatives on October 2. The bill passed 252-173, with one Republican voting against it (Rep. Don Young of Alaska), and 23 Democrats voting for it. It has not yet been considered by the Senate, and the president has issued a veto threat.

National Institutes of Health (H J Res 73)
This CR has been passed by the House of Representatives. Famously, Senator Harry Reid, when asked about funding childhood cancer trials, replied, “Why would we want to do that?” The CR passed the House 254-171, with 25 Democrats voting for it, and one Republican voting against (John Duncan of Tennessee). It has not been considered by the Senate, and the president has issued a veto threat.

Pay Our Guard and Reserve Act (H R 3230)
This continuing resolution would ensure that the shutdown doesn’t affect payroll for the National Guard and Reserve. It passed the House on October 3, by a vote of 265-160, with 36 Democrats voting for it. It has not yet been considered by the Senate, and the president has issued a veto threat.

Veterans Benefits (H J Res 72)
This continuing resolution ensures that there’s funding available for veterans benefits, including disability payments, the GI bill, education training and VA home loans. It passed the House on October 3 by a vote of 259-157, with 35 Democrats voting for it. It has not yet been considered by the Senate, and the president has issued a veto threat.

National Emergency and Disaster Recovery Act (H J Res 85)
This CR funds the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). It passed the House on October 4 by a vote of 247-164, with 23 Democrats voting for it. It has not been considered by the Senate, and the president has issued a veto threat.

Nutritional Assistance and Low-Income Women and Children Act (H J Res 75)
This continuing resolution provides funding for the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) program. It passed the House on October 4 by a vote of 244-164, with 22 Democrats voting for it. It has not been considered by the Senate, and the president has issued a veto threat.

Federal Employee Retroactive Pay Fairness Act (H R 3223)
This resolution provides for the compensation of federal employees after the shutdown is done. They will receive back pay for all the time off they’ve had. This bill passed the House on October 5 by a vote of 407-0. The Senate has promised prompt action, and the president has said he will sign it.

Food and Drug Administration CR (H J Res 77)
This CR funds the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) through December 15. It passed the House on October 7 by a  vote of 235-162, with one Republican voting against (John Duncan of Tennessee), and 20 Democrats voting in favor.  It has not been considered by the Senate, and the president has issued a veto threat.

Head Start CR (H J Res 84)
This CR funds the Head Start program until December 15.  It passed the House on October 8 by a vote of 248-168, with 2 Republicans voting against (Huelskamp of Kansas and Duncan of TN), and 23 Democrats voting in favor.  It has not been considered by the Senate, and the president has issued a veto threat.

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