Tag Archive: atheism

Cross Examination: Does God Have Free Will?

I’ve been thinking about God’s free will and omniscience over the last few weeks. This was prompted, as a good many discussions and thoughts are, by one of my commenters, boomSLANG, who also prompted an earlier post about omniscience and omnipotence.

Cross Examination: Faith and Belief

Many of the disagreements that have arisen in the course of this Cross Examination series have come up either due to a lack of definition, or because of a difference in definition. For example, the difference between “absolute omnipotence” and “essential omnipotence” led some to make the statement that “God cannot be both omnipotent and omniscient,” a claim which I wrote about in a previous post.

Religious Turing Test – Part 2

Last weekend, I encouraged you to take part in a religious Turing test, which was designed to see if atheists and Christians could imitate the others’ arguments well enough so that an observer could be fooled.

Religious Turing Test: You Vote!

In lieu of my Weekend Reading list, I bring you the Religious Turing Test edition. Leah Libresco, over at the blog “Unequally Yoked,” has posted the first segment of her Religious Turing Test. This is a fascinating study, and I’m really excited to read the results. In the first segment, she’s testing 15 different people, some atheists, and some Christians.

The God Debate II


I recently watched this video, called “The God Debate II: Is God Good?,” which was sponsored by the Notre Dame College of Arts and Letters in April. The debate is between Sam Harris, whose book “Letter to a Christian Nation” I am currently reading…

Cross Examination: The Limits of Science


Science has a lot to contribute to our lives and our knowledge. It studies the way things are in our world–physical and natural–through observation and experimentation. Scientists have enhanced the world in which we live. But science has limitations. There are things that science cannot answer.

Weekend Reads – June 25, 2011

Man Reading In Park2

Here are four articles/posts from this week that you should read. These are the best of the best of what I’ve read in the areas of politics, economics, Christianity, and leadership:

Cross Examination: Is the Universe Eternal?


One of the most vexing and foundational questions that I’ve come across in my study of Christianity: “Is the Universe eternal?” The answer to that question has huge ramifications, both for science and for people that believe in a personal God.

What Is Truth?

What Is Truth

One of the questions that I have consistently encountered as I have begun to work my way through examining my faith is this: What is truth? Some related questions to this one are: Can truth be known? Who determines truth? Can truths about God be known? Is truth absolute or relative?

Cross Examination: A New Series


Today, I’m launching my new series called “Cross Examination: Is Debunking Christianity Possible?” The purpose of this series is for the examination of my own faith. As I said before, in this series, I will delve into the questions about Christianity that both drive people from the church (as on ExChristian.net), and those questions that keep people from ever entering the church in the first place.

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