Tag Archive: Wall Street Journal

2012 Update: A Newt Gingrich Resurgence

Over the last week, Newt Gingrich has made a comeback in the 2012 Republican nomination polling. It was only months ago that he was dismissed as a campaign failure after much of his staff resigned his campaign, and reports were rampant about how it would end his shot at the nomination. Now, he’s even beating Mitt Romney in one poll. Can he win the nomination?

Unions Bear Down on Boeing

Boeing 787 Dreamliner

I have been disheartened over the last few weeks to read how the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) filed a complaint against Boeing, in an effort to stop Boeing from building a new plant to build its 787 Dreamliner in South Carolina.

Taxing the Rich Doesn’t Solve Our Problem

Middle Class Tax Target

In an article published in April, the Wall Street Journal said that “Obama targets the middle class while pretending to tax only the rich.” I’ve heard this argument several times in the last week: raising taxes on the rich doesn’t solve the federal government’s deficit problem. In fact, if the government were to take every dollar that each rich person makes, it would only raise about $1 trillion. “The mathematical reality is that in the absence of entitlement reform on the Paul Ryan model, Washington will need to soak the middle class—because that’s where the money is.”

The Consequences of Debt

What’s so bad about debt? In someone’s personal life, they can continue to rack up debt, charging things to their credit card, buying just a little bit too much house, getting the 0% down deal on the flashy car. If the debt becomes too much to handle, and they can’t make the minimum payments, they can just declare bankruptcy and start over again, right? What about countries?

Do We Hyper-Sexualize Our Kids?

I read a really interesting article in the last week in the Wall Street Journal entitled, “Why Do We Let Them Dress Like That?” The author of the article, Jennifer Moses, asks why parents today encourage their girls to be slutty (in essence). She says, “Why do so many of us not only permit our teenage daughters to dress like this—like prostitutes, if we’re being honest with ourselves—but pay for them to do it with our AmEx cards?”

Blog of the Month: Best of the Web Today

I’ve been reading “Best of the Web Today” for several years now. If you want something that’s informative but at the same time snarky, snide, sarcastic and elitist, then this is the blog for you. It’s written by James Taranto, the editor of OpinionJournal.com (part of the Wall Street Journal–I know, I just lost half of you for saying that).

You Are What You Read

I have a theory: what you read, what radio station you listen to, what TV station you watch shapes your political and spiritual views.  Perhaps they shape you even more than your parents’ views, or your friends’ views, or how you were brought up.  One could argue the converse of that statement—what you believe shapes…

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