Tag Archive: Michael Hyatt

Weekend Reads – June 4, 2011


Here are four articles/posts from this week that you should read. These are the best of the best of what I’ve read in the areas of politics, economics, Christianity, and leadership:

Leading Yourself: The Path of Least Resistance


Graduation time is fast approaching, for high school and for college, and it’s a time when many graduates are thinking, “What do I do next?” Some might think that the decisions that they make now won’t affect their future that much (because, after all, they can always change direction later), but that is SO far from the truth.

A Call to be Weird

I just finished reading the book, “Weird: Because normal isn’t working,” and I fairly inhaled it (in the same way my 1-year-old son inhales a cracker: in a manner that my wife describes as a cross between a vacuum cleaner and a buzz saw). Thanks to Michael Hyatt for introducing me to this book.

The Executive and the Elephant

This was a fascinating book that I won in a contest on MichaelHyatt.com. Often, when Michael does a book review, he gives away copies of the book to the people who read his blog (another reason to read his blog).

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