Tag Archive: Mark Kirk

2012 Update: Illinois Congressional Districts

As we get closer to the March 20, 2012 primary election in Illinois, I wanted to review the races in each congressional district, to see who’s running and who’s likely to win. Here’s my review. 1st Congressional District – this south side Chicago district is heavily Democratic, and will likely continue to vote for incumbent…

Redistricting: A Political Junkie’s Fantasy

Today is a big day for political junkies, because today the U.S. Census Bureau released its re-apportionment data for the 2010 census (and, if you’re like me, you were salivating all the way to 11 AM EST clicking the refresh button until the new data appeared). This re-apportionment will greatly affect the 2012 elections.

Election Post-Mortem

Taking a page from Charles Krauthammer in the Washington Post (though he did his before the election), here’s my election post-mortem:

My Vote Against Mark Kirk

I did not vote for Mark Kirk. As many of you know, I was struggling with voting for him because of his pro-choice stance. Up until now, I’ve been a practical Republican conservative. Philosophically, I’ve voted for the lesser of two evils (discounting any third party candidates as not viable, and therefore not worth voting for). Not wanting to be a one-issue voter, I would take into account all of the major candidates’ views, and vote for the better of them.

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