Tag Archive: Marco Rubio

UPDATE: The 2012 Republican Presidential Contenders

Earlier, I wrote a post about the possible Republican candidates for president, and since then there’s been a lot of movement in the Republican field. Below is a list of the possible Republican nominees, ranked by how likely I think they are to be nominated (and why).

Some Familiar Power Players

Today, Real Clear Politics released their list of the “Top Ten Rising Power Players in Congress.” On this list, we find some of the people that we’ve talked about before on this blog:

Political Thanksgiving

Here are 10 things to be thankful for in the political realm (in no particular order, and I’m not even saying that these are the top ten things):

The New Big Men (and Woman) in Town – The Senate Freshmen

There are 13 new members of the United States Senate, and here they are (well, most of them, anyways), along with the best way to identify them in conversation (if, like me, you ever refer to them in conversation):

Election Post-Mortem

Taking a page from Charles Krauthammer in the Washington Post (though he did his before the election), here’s my election post-mortem:

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