Tag Archive: leadership

American Exceptionalism on July 4th

Fireworks Show

Shortly after beginning his presidency, President Obama was asked whether he believed in American exceptionalism. He replied, “I believe in American exceptionalism, just as I suspect that the Brits believe in British exceptionalism and the Greeks believe in Greek exceptionalism.” Many took that comment to say that America was only exceptional in the eyes of those predisposed to believe in American exceptionalism (i.e. Americans). Is there any reason to believe that America is actually different from the other nations in the world?

Weekend Reads – June 25, 2011

Man Reading In Park2

Here are four articles/posts from this week that you should read. These are the best of the best of what I’ve read in the areas of politics, economics, Christianity, and leadership:

Weekend Reads – June 11, 2011

Reading Newspaper2

Here are four articles/posts from this week that you should read. These are the best of the best of what I’ve read in the areas of politics, economics, Christianity, and leadership:

Weekend Reads – June 4, 2011


Here are four articles/posts from this week that you should read. These are the best of the best of what I’ve read in the areas of politics, economics, Christianity, and leadership:

7 Kinds of Leadership


Everyone has seen different kinds of leaders. Everyone has probably served under different kinds of leaders. But what makes leaders different from one another? What are the different characteristics of distinct leadership styles? In my reading, I’ve come across 7 different kinds of leaders and leadership styles:

Become a Great Leader (in 5 Easy Steps)

Jim Collins

Does your church have a good leader? Does the company you work for have a good leader? Are you part of an organization that has a great leader? What differentiates a great leader from a good leader? Jim Collins, the author of the book “Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap… And Others Don’t,” gave a keynote speech at the Drucker Centennial conference last May, in which he gave a look at the differences between good leaders and great leaders. He said that leadership is a hierarchy of capabilities, and leaders become competent at each level before moving on to the next level.

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