The Deal with the Debt Limit
In the last few weeks, Americans have been frustrated with the inability of Congress to deal with the debt limit. The House of Representatives, led by the Republicans, cannot come to an agreement with the Senate or the President, both led by Democrats. Many people have begun to pull their hair out, not understanding why the politicians can’t get their act together. The debt limit deal may seem simple on its face, but it’s complicated by both economic and political differences in which both sides have been steeped.
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Illinois’ Redistricting Bloodbath
The redistricting process is well underway around the country, and whether you like it or not, this process affects who will represent you in state legislatures, and in Congress. Most people think that it’s their votes that send a person to Congress, but that’s where they’d be wrong. Individuals’ votes only account for perhaps 40% in the decision of who goes to Congress.
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