Tag Archive: corporate tax rate

Analyzing Rick Perry’s Flat Tax Plan

One of the consummate arguments in politics is over tax policy, and the 2012 presidential election is no exception. President Obama and the Democrats have decided to run on the “tax the rich” mantra, while the Republicans have focused on what former Reagan economic advisor Larry Kudlow says is more “pro-growth, flat-tax reform.” Herman Cain has his 9-9-9 tax plan, Rick Perry has a flat 20% tax plan, and even Jon Huntsman has come out with a flatter tax proposal, with a top tax rate of 23%.

How I Agree With Occupy Wall Street

While the Occupy Wall Street movement may not have a very coherent message as a whole, there are some messages that stand out more than others. Some of these messages I agree with, some I don’t. One message of the Occupy movement that I wholeheartedly endorse is one that calls for the cutting of special tax cuts and deductions from the tax code.

Cut, Invest, Grow, Rinse, Repeat

As I watched the State of the Union address that President Obama gave last night, I got the impression over and over that the President was trying to serve two masters. He wanted to work with the new Republican majority in the House, and simultaneously gain a reputation as a centrist… the new Bill Clinton. He also wanted the government, ahem, he wanted AMERICA to invest in things that would make us great in the world again. He wanted to cut taxes—yes, let’s bring down our corporate tax rate that’s stifling American businesses. But he also wanted to “invest” in infrastructure, education, small businesses

Illinois Tax Increases. Yippee!

Even Rod Blagojevich thinks that the tax increase is the wrong idea:

Thanks for nothing, Chicago

Dear people of the City of Chicago: thanks for nothing. I do not thank you for re-electing Democrats to the state legislature; I do not thank you for re-electing a Democrat to the governor’s mansion. I thank you for nothing.

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