Tag Archive: Christianity

Cross Examination: Does God Have Free Will?

I’ve been thinking about God’s free will and omniscience over the last few weeks. This was prompted, as a good many discussions and thoughts are, by one of my commenters, boomSLANG, who also prompted an earlier post about omniscience and omnipotence.

Religious Turing Test – Part 2

Last weekend, I encouraged you to take part in a religious Turing test, which was designed to see if atheists and Christians could imitate the others’ arguments well enough so that an observer could be fooled.

Religious Turing Test: You Vote!

In lieu of my Weekend Reading list, I bring you the Religious Turing Test edition. Leah Libresco, over at the blog “Unequally Yoked,” has posted the first segment of her Religious Turing Test. This is a fascinating study, and I’m really excited to read the results. In the first segment, she’s testing 15 different people, some atheists, and some Christians.

The God Debate II


I recently watched this video, called “The God Debate II: Is God Good?,” which was sponsored by the Notre Dame College of Arts and Letters in April. The debate is between Sam Harris, whose book “Letter to a Christian Nation” I am currently reading…

Weekend Reads – June 25, 2011

Man Reading In Park2

Here are four articles/posts from this week that you should read. These are the best of the best of what I’ve read in the areas of politics, economics, Christianity, and leadership:

Cross Examination: Is the Universe Eternal?


One of the most vexing and foundational questions that I’ve come across in my study of Christianity: “Is the Universe eternal?” The answer to that question has huge ramifications, both for science and for people that believe in a personal God.

Weekend Reads – June 11, 2011

Reading Newspaper2

Here are four articles/posts from this week that you should read. These are the best of the best of what I’ve read in the areas of politics, economics, Christianity, and leadership:

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