Tag Archive: 2012 Presidential election

The Hard Work of Governing…

In the early morning on Wednesday, all the talk was about bringing the country together. Will President Obama compromise with Republicans? Or will his second term be as contentious as his first? He can learn some lessons from former president Bill Clinton.

100 Reasons to Vote for Mitt Romney and Against Barack Obama

Recently, I was listening to Hugh Hewitt on the radio, and he cited 100 reasons why you should vote for Mitt Romney and against Barack Obama for president on November 6.  I’ve listed those 100 reasons below, because it’s a very good list.  There are some reason that are stylistic; there are others that are…

Things That Won’t Work: Taxing the Rich

Last week, President Obama again suggested that his opponents in Congress are holding up economic progress because they won’t raise taxes on “the rich.” So, I decided to a do a little bit of math.

2012 Update: A Newt Gingrich Resurgence

Over the last week, Newt Gingrich has made a comeback in the 2012 Republican nomination polling. It was only months ago that he was dismissed as a campaign failure after much of his staff resigned his campaign, and reports were rampant about how it would end his shot at the nomination. Now, he’s even beating Mitt Romney in one poll. Can he win the nomination?

2012 Update: Rick Perry Jumps In

Rick Perry2

Today, Texas governor Rick Perry is poised to jump into the race for the 2012 Republican nomination for president. Even before he jumped in the race, he surpassed Mitt Romney as the most likely Republican nominee on Intrade.com (which has proven slightly more reliable in the past than public polls). Why is Rick Perry so popular in the Republican party? Why do liberals think he can’t win?

2012 Update: Herman Cain

Herman Cain2

If there’s one dark horse in the race for the 2012 Republican nomination that’s currently getting a lot of attention, it’s the candidate that has never held political office, and has only run for office once before. But with each successive dropout in the Republican race, Herman Cain’s profile is raised higher.

2012 Update: Who is Gary Johnson?

He’s not as good-looking as Barack Obama, Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum, Sarah Palin or Paul Ryan (do you know how often I begin to call him Ryan Paul, or even Ron Paul—what kind of guy has two first names for a name?). He’s not as ugly as Chris Christie, Newt Gingrich or Mitch Daniels. So, I guess we can chalk up his average looks as another point against him.

Firebrands for President?

Since my post about the 2012 Republican Contenders, I’ve been trying to find videos of the people that I said might run. Here are two videos of what might be called “firebrands”–Paul Ryan and Chris Christie. Both are darlings of the right, and would be applauded by many if they run.

2012 Republican Presidential Contenders

In order of their current likelihood that they’ll end up the Republican nominee, here is my list of potential 2012 Republican presidential candidates:

Political Thanksgiving

Here are 10 things to be thankful for in the political realm (in no particular order, and I’m not even saying that these are the top ten things):

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