100 Reasons to Vote for Mitt Romney and Against Barack Obama

Recently, I was listening to Hugh Hewitt on the radio, and he cited 100 reasons why you should vote for Mitt Romney and against Barack Obama for president on November 6.  I’ve listed those 100 reasons below, because it’s a very good list.  There are some reason that are stylistic; there are others that are…

Things That Won’t Work: Taxing the Rich

Last week, President Obama again suggested that his opponents in Congress are holding up economic progress because they won’t raise taxes on “the rich.” So, I decided to a do a little bit of math.

Do Republicans Have an Alternative to Obamacare?

With the Supreme Court likely to rule on the Affordable Care Act tomorrow, I’ve been thinking quite a bit about what will happen afterwards.

The Debt Precipice

I had a conversation yesterday morning with a group of conservative gentlemen who are very pessimistic about the future of the American experiment. They see our economy devolving into chaos soon. So I asked myself, Are they right?

The Wisconsin Recall: A View From Illinois

Tomorrow is the Wisconsin recall election. Some have said that it’s the second-most important election of this year. Some have said that it’s a foreshadowing of the November election. I think Governor Scott Walker deserves to be returned to his office.

Is the Middle Class Really In Trouble?

I’ve heard almost constantly from people on the left side of the political sphere that the middle class in the United States is in a crisis. President Obama and other Democrats have drawn an increasingly bleak picture of the outlook of the middle class. In 2009, President Obama stated that “middle class Americans have been working harder, yet not enjoying their fair share of the fruits of a growing economy.”

Building Wealth Requires Saving

There has been a lot of talk about economic growth over the past few months. Economic growth is one of the hot-button issues of the 2012 campaign. Each candidate would like to put in their two cents about what creates economic growth. Republicans like to say that they are the “pro-growth” party. President Obama likes to say that his policies have created some economic growth, and we need to re-elect him for all of the growth to be realized. But what really drives growth? Saving does. Saving drives economic growth. Yes, there are other things that are economic drivers, but saving is a huge economic driver.

Coming Back Soon…

As many of you have noticed, I have been on hiatus from the blog for a couple months now. I’ve been taking a class at the local community college, and made a deal with my lovely wife (http://www.twitter.com/eurofiedchic) to stop blogging while I was taking the class.

Are Voter ID Laws Wrong?

In 2008, the Supreme Court upheld Indiana’s voter ID law, in a 6-3 decision. It held that the burden of requiring voters to have a state ID was offset by the benefit of reducing the risk of fraud. Voter ID laws have been a continuing source of tension between the two parties in the United States.

Payroll Tax Holiday and Government Shutdown

The payroll tax holiday extension and a bill to avoid a government shutdown are big news around the country, as partisanship appears to be crippling Washington yet again. But, in what is becoming more and more commonplace, there is breaking news from the Associated Press that the two top leaders in the Senate may be nearing a deal.

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