100 Reasons to Vote for Mitt Romney and Against Barack Obama

Recently, I was listening to Hugh Hewitt on the radio, and he cited 100 reasons why you should vote for Mitt Romney and against Barack Obama for president on November 6.  I’ve listed those 100 reasons below, because it’s a very good list.  There are some reason that are stylistic; there are others that are substantial; there’s foreign policy reasons and economic reasons, and competence reasons.

This list if far from comprehensive, and there are some that you might think, “That’s a stupid reason,” but you only really have to agree with one reason on this list to vote for Romney or against Obama. At times, I’ve added links to news stories or blog posts, for your enjoyment.  Here’s the  list:

  1. Mitt Romney believes in a second American century, like the 20th century was the American century.
  2. Mitt Romney is very good man who has a good character and a great vision for the country.
  3. Romney is a turnaround specialist, that knows how to prioritize tasks and attack the most important problem first. He’s actually turned around companies.
  4. President Obama is the least generous political person I’ve ever seen in American politics at the national level. To those who oppose him, to those across the aisle from him.
  5. He is the most partisan president that we’ve had in recent history. We’ve always passed large pieces of legislation with at least some opposition support. He wants no part of bipartisan governance.
  6. President Obama acted in a very unpresidential way when he attacked Paul Ryan’s budget when it was unveiled. He invited him to sit in the front row of a speech, and then castigated him about his budget, while Ryan was sitting directly in front of him.
  7. Obama made the statement: “I won.” Made to Eric Cantor and other Republican leadership when they came to him with ideas on how they could work together.
  8. President Obama’s full-throated attack on Roman Catholics, especially in regards to the HHS mandate that all Catholic organizations must provide sterilization, morning-after pill, etc., in opposition to their closely-held beliefs.
  9. He will not, cannot, never has accepted responsibility for any of the fiascos that have been made in the course of his presidency. He refuses to accept responsibility for anything.
  10. Barack Obama blames straw men. He invents arguments that are not made, by people that do not exist. He never takes on the actual arguments that are made, but instead lines up the straw men, and lights them on fire.
  11. Obama won’t deal with the truth. He gave, for example, a massive stimulus to the Congress. He’s responsible for its failure. Nobody knows where all the money went. That responsibility lies with Obama, and he won’t deal with it.
  12. Van Jones and the other czars. These unaccountable and unsupervised attempts to broaden his executive power are reason #12.
  13. Solyndra. The recipient of $500 million in a sweetheart deal ended up in bankruptcy. An epic waste.
  14. The Boeing plant in Charleston, SC. The National Labor Relations Board said “No” because the unions in Washington didn’t want the plant built in a “right to work” state.
  15. Remember the raid on Gibson Guitars? They took everything that Mr. Gibson had made in his plant, accusing him of illegally importing some wood from India.
  16. Mitt Romney has successfully raised a wonderful family, along with Ann Romney. What does this tell you about his character?
  17. Mitt Romney has held a government job, but he’s never gotten a government paycheck. As governor of Massachusetts, he didn’t take a salary, and he won’t as president.
  18. Mitt Romney can read a balance sheet. Do you think that Barack Obama can read a balance sheet?
  19. Mitt Romney has run a very complicated set of businesses.
  20. Ann Romney. She’s remarkable. She’s overcome incredible trials in her own life—MS and breast cancer. She’s raised 5 boys.
  21. Paul Ryan. It shows that Romney’s judgment is reliable. It also says he’s very serious about the budget, deficit and debt.
  22. Joe Biden. It shows that Obama doesn’t have very good judgment. He’s a national joke. Most people love Joe for his smile and effervescence. You don’t want him to be president. He’s the guy Obama picked first, which says something about Obama’s judgment.
  23. Israel. If you are a supporter of the state of Israel, you really cannot support President Barack Obama. It’s not just Obama’s testy relationship with Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu. Obama’s hostility from Day One to Israel has been omnipresent. He simply does not like the state of Israel.
  24. Obama’s particularly tense relationship with Benjamin Netanyahu. He left Netanyahu in the basement of the White House, saying, “Let me know if anything changes.” He also refused to meet with Netanyahu while he was at the U.N., even though he had time to play golf and do an appearance on The View.
  25. What happened when Iran revolted? Obama did nothing for the Green Revolution. People on both sides of the political spectrum urged him to stand by those who were standing up for democracy in Iran, but he did nothing. The Iranian revolution was suppressed by the radical Iranian government.
  26. The “leading from behind” doctrine. The president invented a new approach in foreign affairs called, “leading from behind.” This lead to months of chaos in Libya, which gave birth to the killing of our ambassador in Benghazi.
  27. We see leading from behind from Obama in Syria. He held up the Assad regime as being a model partner in peace. Everyone knew that Assad was a butcher, and that Syria was a police state. Everyone knew that Assad was our enemy, except Barack Obama. Tens of thousands are now dead.
  28. The bow to the Saudi king. Stylistic, but important.
  29. The bow to the Japanese emperor. Stylistic, but important. He does not seem to realize that when he goes abroad, he represents the full power of the United States. This subservience in protocol telegraphs an appeasement in policy.
  30. There’s been no progress in regards to North Korea. It’s arming the world’s despots and crazies, and is completely immune to Barack Obama. Not only have they not disarmed, they are increasingly marketing their arms of death.
  31. There’s been no progress in regards to Russia, either. Barack Obama thought he could talk to Putin. He whispered to Medvedev that he will have more flexibility after the election.
  32. President Obama screwed Poland. Romney will redeploy the missile defense in Poland. We’d done that deal under the Bush administration, and without notice, Barack Obama screwed the Polish government and the Czech government. This was a horrific foreign policy mistake to two of our most treasured allies.
  33. He screwed the Czech Republic (see above).
  34. He pulled down our nuclear deterrent. The cuts in our nuclear deterrent have been deep under President Obama. We’ve cut our deterrent to the bone. We have to remodernize. President Obama has not done that.
  35. President Obama has abandoned Iraq. Even if you believe that the Iraq war was ill-advised, when it was over, it was won. The surge worked. We had won the war. Commanders suggested to Obama that 10,000-15,000 troops remain in Iraq to help with the peace, but Obama ignored them. When confronted with a modicum of difficulty, Obama got mad, and ran away from Iraq. Since we left, Iraq has been periodically rocked with sectarian violence. That’s Barack Obama’s responsibility. He cut and ran from Iraq.
  36. President Obama has announced a firm withdrawal date for Afghanistan. He’s put the Taliban on notice about how long they have to hold on before they can take the country back. Barack Obama is getting out, date certain, regardless of the recommendations of his commanders. He does not listen to his generals on the grounds.
  37. Barack Obama cut the F-22 program. This air force fighter is the most superior airplane in the world. There will be nothing that will equal it in a generation, and President Obama closed the program down. We had air superiority for the foreseeable future, and Obama ended it. It was supposed to be replaced by the F-35, but the delivery of the F-35 (a cheaper aircraft) has been stretched out as well.
  38. President Obama has threatened our naval power. Our national security depends on our naval superiority. Our navy is supposed to be at a minimum strength of 313 ships, at a minimum under Obama it’s at 282 ships. It might go as low as 250 ships, if Barack Obama’s spending plans are kept.
  39. President Obama cut the Marine Corp by 20,000 marines.
  40. President Obama cut the Army by 80,000 troops. Our military is being cut down to the bone. The defense policies of Barack Obama are undermining our national security. Mitt Romney has promised to restore our military to where it needs to be to ensure our national security.
  41. Mitt Romney experience at Bain Consulting and Bain Capital. The records of both are extraordinary. Bain Capital was perhaps the most successful investment firm in the 1990s, when Romney was at the helm. Successes like Staples. This experience taught him about creating jobs and about the economy.
  42. Mitt Romney has a lot of church experience. Everyone’s probably aware that he’s a Mormon, and did a 2 1/2 year stint as a missionary. He volunteered a lot, even with small kids, as an executive, as a governor, and throughout the Salt Lake Olympics. He volunteers his time. He has given and given and given.
  43. Mitt Romney’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. George Romney. Lenore Romney ran for Senate (and lost). You may know whether you had good parents or bad parents. Mitt Romney had two of the best parents. George Romney was an extraordinary American. He had a deep sense of public service, and this shows in Mitt Romney.
  44. Mitt Romney’s charitable giving. It’s huge. He’s given away $30 million over 20 years, and that’s not counting what he might have made if he’d kept that money (the opportunity cost of charitable giving). Mitt Romney is the most generous of any presidential candidate. And it’s not timed for political gain. His giving goes back 20 years. He gave sacrificially even when he was poor and in business school.
  45. Barack Obama’s gaffes. They embarrass me. Everyone makes a gaffe every once in a while. But he can’t help but fall on his face. Corpse-men. 57 states. We can put an end to this in November. He’s as gaffe-prone as Joe Biden. These are the types of gaffes that make you really hope
  46. President Obama has deceived the country about the deficit and debt and his plan to raise taxes. He’s insisted that the deficit and debt can be solved by raising taxes on people making $250,000 or more. That’s a lie. Some people say that it will raise 10% of the deficit. Some say that it will completely collapse economic growth. But no one says that it will raise more than 10% of the deficit.
  47. President Obama’s treatment of President Bush. Not that he doesn’t call him for advice, or stuff like that. Just his constant whining and blaming of President Bush. It was cringe-inducing in the first year. But now, he continues to blame George W. Bush for his failures. It teaches (especially young people) never to own what they’ve failed at.
  48. President Obama’s refusal to do anything remotely approaching a realistic budget. Year after year he sends up budgets that his own party will not vote for. This year, the Democratically-controlled Senate did not get ONE vote for his budget.
  49. President Obama’s refused to do anything about Social Security. Everyone knows how to fix Social Security, but President Obama won’t do anything about it. Social Security remains on the rocks.
  50. President Obama has refused to do anything about Medicaid. It’s bankrupting the states. The states can’t take care of their poor under this program. President Obama has done nothing, because it involves tough choices.
  51. He won’t speak the truth about the Fort Hood massacre. It involved a Muslim doctor that no one would blow the whistle on, because of political correctness. President Obama still refuses to speak truth about this issue.
  52. The president’s elitism in things as small as how he pronounces “Pakistan.” This pronunciation reminds that the president thinks he’s just smarter than everyone.
  53. An aggravation: his pretended touch about sports. He can’t name one favorite White Sox player, even though it’s supposedly his favorite team. He has time to do his brackets during international crises, but it’s this attempt to be all things to all people at all times.
  54. His paralysis in the aftermath of the Gulf oil spill. He didn’t know what to do, so he did nothing. Louisiana begged him for permission to do something to save their coast lands, but he was absolutely paralyzed. Also on the killing of bin Laden. Why did it take so long to green-light that mission?
  55. His over-reaction to the Gulf oil spill. After the situation was resolved, then he acted to shut down drilling in the region. The gulf oil rigs moved away, and tens of thousands of jobs were lost.
  56. He embarrassed us in England, when he gave the Queen an iPod of all his speeches.
  57. The Cairo speech. He was going to reset relations with the Muslim world. This speech was perceived as weakness, and has brought home seeds of havoc and cruelty across the Muslim world, and now the Muslim Brotherhood rules in Egypt. He has lost Egypt. He began his foreign policy with a repudiation of George W. Bush with his speech in Cairo, and now he cannot go to Cairo, because it would be too dangerous.
  58. Enormous spending. He’s spent more in 4 years than George W. Bush did in 8 years. He’s irresponsible beyond any measure of responsibility.
  59. Dodd-Frank. It’s been a death-knell for small banks. It has stalled the growth of small businesses across the United States. His assault on the banking sector has been unprecedented.
  60. Fast and Furious. The idea of walking guns into Mexico is absurd. And it killed a U.S. border agent, as well as at least 16 Mexican nationals (that we know about).
  61. The cover-up of Fast and Furious. He is working with the Department of Justice in order to prevent the release of documents related to the program. He’s still trying to dodge questions about Fast and Furious. He insists it wasn’t his fault, and trying to blame it on Bush.
  62. Barack Obama still wants to close Gitmo. He still refuses to recognize that the international terror threat is still alive and well, even though Osama bin Laden is dead.
  63. President Obama wanted to, and indeed allowed, the trial of one terrorist in New York. He got a conviction on one count, instead of many. He wants to criminalize terrorism. President Obama would like to bring all trials of terrorists into the United States.
  64. The Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). Whether you are for or against the act itself, you’re probably on the side of the Constitution. If a bill is passed by Congress and signed by the president (Clinton), and hadn’t been struck down by any appeals court in the United States, the executive branch should continue to defend the law in court. President Obama has stopped defending the Defense of Marriage Act. The Act hasn’t been repealed, and it hasn’t been overturned by the Supreme Court.
  65. Recent executive order on immigration. Immigration law is set and passed by Congress. The current law doesn’t allow for an exemption for those children that came with their parents at a very young age. In addition to lessening the job prospects of citizens and legal immigrants, the order runs roughshod over constitution prerogative. Obama has been making up the laws as he’s been going along.
  66. Justice Sotomayor – lifetime appointment to the U.S. Supreme Court. Has voted with the far left, and will continue to vote with the far left for the rest of her lifetime.
  67. Justice Kagen – lifetime appointment to the U.S. Supreme Court. Has voted with the far left, and will continue to vote with the far left for the rest of her lifetime. There will be retirements ahead in this term. These two justices are an indication of what President Obama could do in the next four years with one, two, or three more appointments to the Supreme Court.
  68. President Obama jammed Obamacare down the throat of America after Scott Brown was elected in Massachusetts to fill Senator Ted Kennedy’s seat specifically to provide a 41st vote to kill it. Despite enormous majorities against Obamacare, the president pushed it through. What does it say about his indifference to the people he leads?
  69. President Obama chose to tax inactivity with Obamacare. The Supreme Court has now ruled that it’s a tax. It’s a tax on people who just sit at home and do nothing. You don’t have to do anything to get hit with this tax. Imagine the far-reaching effects of this choice. Now that the president has been blessed in this regard, imagine what he will do with it.
  70. The decision to give the IPAB board control over health care decisions. This board is going to decide what’s going to count under Obamacare and be reimbursed, and what’s not. And if they decide that something’s not worth covering, then you’re out of luck. If they don’t want to give you chemo drugs, then it won’t be reimbursed, which will drive some chemo drugs out of the market. If the IPAB doesn’t think that a baby or small child with some disease or birth defect isn’t worth paying for, then you’ll be out of luck.
  71. When he had the chance, when he could have done it easily, he did not reign in the trial bar. He didn’t add medical malpractice reform to Obamacare, which could have made it bipartisan.
  72. He did not remove a single barrier to the interstate commerce objection to the trafficking in health insurance plans across the United States. There are legal barriers to selling health insurance across state lines, and they should have been removed, but they weren’t.
  73. President Obama cut Medicare by $760 billion. The system is broken, and Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney have said that the program must change for those who are under the age of 55. They are going to put the money that President Obama looted from the program.
  74. Obamacare itself is a failure. Tens of millions of Americans will not get insurance under Obamacare, or will lose the insurance coverage that their employer currently offers them. It’s not universal health insurance. It doesn’t fix the problem is said it would fix. It won’t ease emergency room congestion. It’s a big government disaster.
  75. Mitt Romney works pretty well with Democrats. He was elected in an overwhelmingly Democratic state, and he worked effectively with the Democrats in the legislature to fix education and health care in Massachusetts. He can and will work effectively across the aisle. He won’t end up in the partisan gridlock that’s come along with the Chicago politician who hasn’t had to work well with others, and can’t work well with others.
  76. Mitt Romney deals candidly with issues. He gets datasets. He consults experts. He was elected by Democrats because they had a huge deficit, and he dealt with the issue quickly.
  77. Mitt Romney answers questions. He answers every question without reservation. He doesn’t have a story to keep straight.
  78. President Obama filibusters in press conferences. His average answer is more than 7 minutes. He won’t answer questions, because he’s afraid of the answers he’s obliged to give. He’s so insecure of his own positions that he rambles on and on.
  79. President Obama blew the Chicago Olympics. He brought back contempt. He should not have lobbied for a city that was not prepared and not going to win.
  80. President Obama accepted the Nobel Peace Prize. He ought not to have accepted a price for that which he could not bring and has not brought: peace.
  81. The Chinese have been manipulating their currency for a decade. The president did nothing about it until Romney started campaigning for it consistently. It drains jobs. The president finally brought a trade case, but it’s too little, too late.
  82. President Obama has done nothing in China to stop the suppression of the Christian house church movement in China. Our human rights record on this issue is horrible. We’ve done nothing to protect those churches under President Obama.
  83. President Obama lied about the attack on our consulate in Benghazi in a Univision interview, long after everybody (including Susan Rice) had admitted it was a terrorist attack. We know that it was a terrorist attack, and the president continues to try to place blame elsewhere.
  84. President Obama hides from the media. He will not engage in the kind of press conferences that are routine. Every time he does, he absolutely falls on his face, so his response is to hide. He ought to be doing a lot more than he does. When was the last time you heard him on talk radio? I thought he was president of the entire nation.
  85. Mitt Romney is routinely willing to take the tough questions from the media.
  86. He sent back the Winston Churchill bust. It’s small, but it happened. He denied it, but it happened. Then he retracted.
  87. Jay Carney and Robert Gibbs. Robert Gibbs was perhaps the worst press secretary in the history of press secretaries. His relentless partisan and acrimonious comments set a horrible tone for Washington.
  88. Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid. Those are the president’s friends. You’ve never heard the president rebuke either of them. Pelosi’s “we have to pass it to see what’s in it” comment. Reid’s lying about Mitt Romney’s tax records. Reid’s refusal to pass a budget. Pelosi for her incessant demonization for people that disagree with her.
  89. President Obama let’s the National Education Association obstruct education reform. The NEA also holds back pension reform, even for younger teachers.
  90. The president likes to say that he saved the automobile industry. That’s not what he did. He saved the UAW union. That, more than anything, grates on the people who held bonds in the old GM and Chrysler. He spent $85 billion save the union workers pensions. In a regular bankruptcy, the unions would have gotten 75-90 cents on the dollar for their share, and the bondholders would have gotten a haircut, but they wouldn’t have been totally crushed, as they were under the president’s bailout. The president sold out to the UAW. And, GM stock is not remotely close to paying back what the U.S. taxpayers paid for it. He’s hanging on to a bad investment so he doesn’t have to face the music about a failed intervention.
  91. He hasn’t cut one department or bureau. He’s been president for 4 years, and has run up trillions of dollars in spending, and he has not found ONE department or bureau to shutter. If he had, don’t you think you’d have heard about it?
  92. We are continuing to fund the national public radio system and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, even though they are now unnecessary and we don’t have the money to continue to do it.
  93. EPA War on Coal – is trying to crush the use of coal in the U.S. because of their cross border pollution rule. The president admits it. The EPA enforces it. It’s forcing thousands of coal workers out of work, and thousands of workers who are involved in the production of electricity out of work as well.
  94. EPA has declared war on fracking–the ability to drill down and sideways to extract natural gas–even though there’s no environmental impact. Their objection is theoretical: they don’t want the use of carbon at all in the energy resources in the U.S. They don’t want the economic boom in North Dakota to continue into Pennsylvania and Ohio. They want to stop it in its tracks.
  95. EPA is attempting to impose cap-and-trade by regulation. Cap and trade is so radical and so inefficient that it could not get out of the super-majorities that were in place in the first two years of Obama’s term. So, he’s trying to impose it through executive branch regulation, and that will roll forward in the blink of an eye as soon as his second term starts.
  96. President Obama blames George W. Bush for everything. Everything that goes wrong in his presidency he blames on President Bush. Aren’t you tired of it?
  97. 8% unemployment for 42 consecutive months. His Council of Economic Advisors promised that if Congress passed the stimulus package the unemployment rate would not go above 8%, and in fact it’s not been below 8%. The largest extended period of massive unemployment in the U.S. since the Great Depression.
  98. Mitt Romney will slash the size and scope of the federal government. He will start to reform the federal mandates. He will begin the long and arduous process of reforming entitlements.
  99. Mitt Romney is committed to 340 ships in the U.S. Navy. In a speech to the Citadel last year, said that we’ve got to go to 340 ships, we’ve got to build 9 per year instead of 5, and we’ve got to build the sort of ships that we need, instead of the types of ships that President Obama is deploying. We’ve got to maintain a blue-water navy that is second to none.
  100. The People’s Republic of China – they are large and growing, they are not our friends. They are bent on domination of the east and beyond. They are building a blue-water navy with assymetrical warfare capabilities. They manipulate currency. They manipulate trade. They steal intellectual property. They aggressively persecute minorities in their nation. They are doing whatever they can to intimidate Japan. If you think that the PRC is just fine, by all means vote for Barack Obama, but if you think that is a threat not just for the next five years, but for the next fifty, and that someone has to look at it clearly and coldly and do something about it, then vote for Mitt Romney.
It does matter for whom you vote.  This race is, by all measures, a close race, so by all means, you need to vote.  If you want to listen to these 100 reasons on the Hugh Hewitt show, then you can go to his blog page and listen to the show for free.  If you’ve enjoyed this list, pass it on.
  • http://brocmiddleton.blogspot.com/ Broc Middleton

    I will work on rebutting your 100 reasons, just looking at the top 5 I am not very impressed by the list…but for now I would like to ask you a serious question. IF (and that’s a big “if” looking at the electoral college) but if Mitt Romney is elected how do you believe he will govern? Will he be the “severely conservative” Mitt Romney we saw in the Republican Primary or will he be the moderate Mitt Romney that appeared at the first Presidential Debate?  I honestly think he is more of moderate but I don’t know if he has the backbone to stand up the Republican party…I am interested to hear your opinion.  

    • https://brevis.me Robert Ewoldt

      I’d love for you to make a list of (a) how Mitt Romney was “severely conservative” during the primary, and (b) the shifts that he made during debate #1that made him Moderate Mitt. It’s one thing to parrot the talking point from MSNBC, but it’s quite another to actually back it up.

      • http://brocmiddleton.blogspot.com/ Broc Middleton

        Really? You need ME to make a list…You don’t acknowledge the reality that Mitt Romney has shifted to center?  Is its your position that Mitt Romney has NOT shifted to the center? 

        • https://brevis.me Robert Ewoldt

          Yes, I’d like you to make a list of positions on which he has changed. My contention is that, while he may have changed his emphasis in the general election (as all candidates do), he has not changed his positions.

          • http://brocmiddleton.blogspot.com/ Broc Middleton

            Abortion: Mitt
            Romney has CHANGED his position.  On
            October 1, 2011 Mitt Romney stated that “absolutely” he was support a personhood
            amendment.  You know that a personhood amendment
            holds the idea that life starts at conception and no exceptions for rape or incest
            are allowed.  However NOW, Mitt Romney says
            he supports abortions exceptions for cases of rape and incest.  So, Mitt had a more far right leaning position
            on abortion during the Republican Primary but then CHANGED his position to a
            more centrist one during the general campaign. 
            Allowing abortion exceptions is not a different “emphasis” it’s a change
            of position. 


            Tax Cuts: Mitt
            Romney has CHANGED his position.  During the
            Republican Primary Mitt Romney said EVERYONE was going to get an “across the
            board” 20% tax cut.  He said the 20% tax
            cut was needed to spur economic growth. 
            BUT when the general election came along then Mitt Romney CHANGED his
            position and said the rich really wouldn’t get a tax cut because he will eliminate
            deductions and loopholes.  In the first Presidential
            debate he said quote…“I’m not
            looking to cut taxes for wealthy people. I am looking to cut taxes for
            middle-income people…” This is not “emphasis” on a different part of
            this plan…Mitt Romney CHANGED his position from 20% tax cut for everyone…to
            just tax cuts for the middle class.


            Immigration: Mitt
            Romney has dramatically softened (changed) his position on immigration.  Notice during the Republican primary you
            heard Mitt Romney use the word “amnesty” when talking immigration, but you
            haven’t heard it lately have you.  In
            fact Mitt Romney has changed his position from a plan of “self-deportation” due
            to an inability to find work at all. To now Mitt Romney got a terrible spray
            tan (cheap shot sorry) and promises NOT to rescind work permits for Dream-Act eligible
            immigrants. So Mitt Romney went from calling the Dream Act “amnesty” to
            promising not to rescind work permits….You going to call that just a “different
            emphasis”?  LOL


            Foreign Policy:  This last debate…I was literally laughing out
            loud.  Mitt Romney during the Primary and
            through some of the general election campaign was hammering the line of
            President Obama’s failed foreign policy… this was the worst foreign policy in
            the history of foreign policies according to Mitt Romney. BUT, when the foreign
            policy debate rolled around Mitt Romney agreed with Obama over and over and over
            again.  Whether it was about Iran, Iraq,
            Afghanistan withdrawal…agreement with Obama. 
            I feel Mitt Romney changed his positions on multiple subjects in foreign
            policy during the debate BUT, I feel foreign policy requires a certain level of
            flexibility.  Circumstances change and
            you need to be able to roll with the punches. 
            However with that said, Mitt Romney’s claim of the failure of Obama’s
            foreign policy is laughable considering he agreed with Obama much of the night
            regarding foreign policy.  

            That was really quick and easy…I am sure with more digging I could find some more.  

          • https://brevis.me Robert Ewoldt

            Mitt Romney still advocates for an across the board 20% tax rate cut. His plan has always included the elimination of deductions and loopholes for the rich. If you get your facts wrong on that one, why should I believe you on the others?

          • http://brocmiddleton.blogspot.com/ Broc Middleton

            First I am not wrong on my facts… it is Mitt Romney how is all over the place with his tax plan message.  

            Secondly, I could use that same logic with your 100 reasons to vote for Mitt Romney.

          • https://brevis.me Robert Ewoldt

            First, you ARE wrong on your facts. When Robert Gibbs says that Mitt Romney is lying, he’s drawing a semantic equivalence (as you are trying to do) between an across-the-board tax RATE cut (which will include everyone), and a NET tax cut (which the richest 1% will not get). There is a distinction between the two, and liberals apparently don’t understand the distinction. Most voting Americans, however, do understand. Mitt Romney’s position has always been this, as much as you would like to say that it hasn’t. When Gibbs tries to equate the two, in order to say that Mitt Romney has changed his view, he is being extraordinarily dishonest.

          • http://brocmiddleton.blogspot.com/ Broc Middleton

            Bob, if you want to pug your ear and ignore the facts fine, but this little clip says it all..

          • https://brevis.me Robert Ewoldt

            Broc, I understand if you don’t WANT to understand, but you really can’t be that dumb. To say, “We’re going to lower tax rates across the board by 20%, even for the top 1%” is not at odds with saying, “We won’t lower taxes overall to the richest 1%.” Maybe in liberal fantasy land it is, but not in reality.

            I’m not sure what you don’t understand about this. It’s pretty simple, actually. If you drop the tax rate from 40% to 32%, that’s a 20% tax rate cut. However, if you close loopholes and deductions by an equal amount, then the rich aren’t actually paying less in taxes.

            So, you can say that you’re going to give them a 20% across-the-board tax cut, but they won’t pay less in taxes.

            It was a cute little video, but completely misleading.

          • http://brocmiddleton.blogspot.com/ Broc Middleton

            Bob, Newt Gingrich AGREED with Gibbs that Mitt Romney changed his position.

          • http://brocmiddleton.blogspot.com/ Broc Middleton

            Even one of his campaign surrogates, Newt Gingrich, admits that he changed his position…


          • http://brocmiddleton.blogspot.com/ Broc Middleton

            Funny thing is Bob even if you ignore the facts on Mitt Romney changing his position…his tax plan is still not mathematically possible according to the TPC…its a losing argument for you regardless…

          • https://brevis.me Robert Ewoldt

            Actually, TPC admitted that Romney’s plan would work with the assumptions that Romney makes, and it only doesn’t work if one makes the assumptions that they made. In fact, they had to update their report to “clarify” their assumptions.

            There have been many rebuttals to the TPC analysis. Here’s one of the better ones: http://www.american.com/archive/2012/october/the-romney-tax-plan-not-a-tax-hike-on-the-middle-class
            This is the problem with the Obama administration. They make baseless attacks, and then when those attacks end up being wrong, they never come back and say they were wrong. They continue to push the same baseless attacks.

          • https://brevis.me Robert Ewoldt

            Immigration: I don’t know where you got this argument from, but it’s completely wrong.  In fact, if you actually go to Romney’s website, it says that he “will develop an effective, mandatory employment verification system that will enable employers to be sure that those they hire are eligible to work. This will discourage illegal immigrants from coming to America to seek jobs.”
            This is the “self-deportation” policy that you’re talking about, where they go to where they came from because they can’t get a job here.

            However, he also says (on the same page) that his administration will, “press for an immigration policy designed to maximize America’s economic potential. Foreign-born residents with advanced degrees start companies, create jobs, and drive innovation at a high rate.”  This is something that I highly support, and I’ve said so on this blog.

            But, believe it or not, immigration isn’t a large issue in this campaign.  So, the reason why you haven’t heard a lot about it in this campaign is because of the emphasis of the candidates.

          • boomSLANG

            “[....] if you actually go to Romney’s website, it says that he ‘will develop an effective, mandatory employment verification system that will enable employers to be sure that those they hire are eligible to work. This will discourage illegal immigrants from coming to America to seek jobs.’ This is the ‘self-deportation’ policy that you’re talking about, where they go to where they came from because they can’t get a job here.”

            Yes! Let’s see to it that kids born on American soil to illegal immigrant parents, now fully Americanized, go back “to where they came from”!

          • https://brevis.me Robert Ewoldt

            Foreign policy: It seems silly to me that you’re saying that Mitt Romney agreed with President Obama all night.  He did agree on certain issues, and the president was certain to emphasize their agreements (because it made him look better somehow?), but there were substantive disagreements as well.

            Furthermore, Romney shied away from attacking the president on foreign policy during the debate because he was trying to present his own vision for foreign policy, not constantly attack the president (as he could have).  This was a strategic decision meant to attract female and independent voters.  Since these categories are ones that neither you nor I belong to, neither of us can understand that reasoning.  I, for one, would have liked for Romney to go on the attack more.

            I think that Obama’s failures in foreign policy are quite well-documented in this post.  If you disagree, please tell why.

          • https://brevis.me Robert Ewoldt

            Abortion: let me quote from Mitt Romney’s website (again).  “Mitt believes that life begins at conception and wishes that the laws of our nation reflected that view. But while the nation remains so divided, he believes that the right next step is for the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade – a case of blatant judicial activism that took a decision that should be left to the people and placed it in the hands of unelected judges.”

            It doesn’t seem like he’s changed his view on life beginning at conception for general election expediency.

            Furthermore, if you go back and look at the video of the “absolutely” comment that you’re quoting, he’s not “absolutely” supporting the troubling Mississippi legislation for personhood, which would have caused tremendous problems in implementation, but a generic amendment that would define that life begins at conception, which, again, he still says on his website to this day.

            So, Broc, it looks like you’re 0/4 in terms of “showing” that Mitt Romney has changed positions.  You got any more?

          • http://brocmiddleton.blogspot.com/ Broc Middleton

            In fact YOU have sited prof for me that Mitt Romney has changed positions…thank you.  Case closed.  

          • https://brevis.me Robert Ewoldt

            Please explain, because in my view, I’ve pretty much proved that he hasn’t changed positions. Or, I could just be like you and say, “Look! You proved my case for me!”

    • boomSLANG

      I’m curious about reasons 47 and 96. IMO, they aren’t different enough to constitute two different numbers.  I’m guessing to make it an even 100?   

      • http://brocmiddleton.blogspot.com/ Broc Middleton

        Boom a vast majority of those 100 reason are BS…so the questions regarding 47 and 96 being too similar is just a drop in the bucket. 

  • http://brocmiddleton.blogspot.com/ Broc Middleton

    Bob even if you give Mitt Romney his own assumptions to help make his plan work, it still doesn’t…


    You also have ignored the other 3 times Mitt Romney has changed his positions. 

    • https://brevis.me Robert Ewoldt

      How about the study of a Princeton economics professor that says that Mitt Romney’s tax plan works? Here’s his main conclusion: “The main conclusion is that under plausible assumptions, a proposal along the lines suggested by Governor Romney can both be revenue neutral and keep the net tax burden on high-income individuals about the same. That is, an increase in the tax burden on lower and middle income individuals is not required in order to make the overall plan revenue neutral.”

      Here’s the link to the paper, in case you want to read it: https://www.princeton.edu/ceps/workingpapers/228rosen.pdf

      I think it’s pretty clear that, if you’re non-partisan and use generous assumptions, as opposed to partisan ones (as you cited), then you’ll find that the Romney plan works.

      • http://brocmiddleton.blogspot.com/ Broc Middleton

        Why do you call the assumptions made by the TPC partisan??  In fact Mitt Romney PRAISED the TPC as an OBJECTIVE third party group previously…It seems that in many other cases Mitt Romney changes in positions as quickly as the wind changes direction.     

  • http://brocmiddleton.blogspot.com/ Broc Middleton

    Bob, I think it’s great that you are so familiar with Mitt
    Romney’s official campaign website.  I
    also think it’s great that you have mastered the computer functions of “copy”
    and “paste”. However Mitt Romney does actually speak, like during debates and
    campaign events…and when he does that counts too when trying to establish what Mitt
    Romney’s positions actually are. 

    Immigration: Mitt Romney CLEARLY stated he would veto the Dream Act, but then
    also states he wouldn’t revoke the work permits for millions of undocumented immigrants.  This is like his healthcare position…I WILL
    REPEAL OBAMACARE…but not the parts that are popular. LOL.  Mitt Romney is talking out of both sides of
    his mouth.  From early primary statements
    about Arizona being a model for the country and “self deportation” to now
    stating he will establish a “bi-partisan” long lasting solution for immigration.  His positions are as consistent as a wind


    Foreign Policy: Mitt Romney didn’t attack the President
    because he AGREED with him most of the night. His foreign policy went from
    saber rattling before the debate (Iran should see our strength, military might,
    very George W. Bush Neo-Con) to…we all just want a peaceful planet…sunshine,
    butterflies and rainbows. Now your analysis of WHY he did this is correct.  He changed his foreign policy approach so
    that women and the country wouldn’t view him as another warmongering Republican.  HOWEVER when you completely misrepresent your
    foreign policy its not a “different emphasis” in politics that’s a


    Abortion: Really that is your defense…That yes Mitt Romney
    does support a personhood amendment, but not THAT personhood amendment.  No, he supports a “generic amendment”.  Oh Bob that is laughable.  You saying Mitt Romney supports a personhood amendment
    makes my point for me.  A “personhood
    amendment” whether it be the specific Mississippi legislation or an invented “generic”
    one…lol Bob I love it …either way it has the same fundamental principal: that
    life begins at conception and that human life deserves the same legal rights
    and protections as real person.  The
    whole idea behind personhood amendments are to stop abortions, and NOT allowing
    exceptions for them.  So Mitt Romney’s
    support for a personhood amendment then CHANGING his position to allow for exceptions
    of rape and incest are right there and NOT debatable.  Thank you. 


    Tax Plan: I will also put my last comment of our discussion here
    to its all in one place….

    Why do you call the assumptions made by the TPC “partisan”??
     In fact Mitt Romney PRAISED the TPC as an OBJECTIVE third party group previously…It
    seems that Mitt Romney in many other cases  in positions as quickly as the wind changes

    Looks like I am 4/4…but whose counting. 
    Does it really matter?  Your boy
    is going to lose anyways…WAHAHAHAHA 

    • https://brevis.me Robert Ewoldt

      Broc, I’m glad that you’re confident in your candidate.  I guess we’ll see who’s right on Tuesday.

      However, concerning your points above… it’s amazing that you continue to push the same arguments, even after I’ve shot them down.  It’s also amazing to me that you say that saying, “We’ll repeal Obamacare, and then replace it with this, this and this,” and then you say that that’s somehow a reversal or switch of position.

      Can you not see that Republicans see that there are a few parts of Obamacare that are OK, and will help people, but as a whole it’s a terrible piece of legislation?  Do you not see that Republicans can see some things that they like about President Obama, but as a whole he’s been a terrible president?

      Republicans can say, “Yes, I agree with this part of Obama’s foreign policy, but there are other areas on which I completely disagree with him.”  Democrats don’t see that.  You, apparently, think that if we agree with Obama on ANYTHING, we can do no better than to vote for him.

      Republicans and independents acknowledge that they can do better than President Obama.  And, after he loses on Tuesday, I’m sure that there will be many Democrats that (secretly) agree as well, but feel compelled to vote for Obama because they’re partisans.

      • http://brocmiddleton.blogspot.com/ Broc Middleton


        When Mitt Romney talks about repealing Obamacare but keeping parts of it like…pre-existing conditions, 26 year old coverage under parents plan, and others…it ONLY works fiscally has a whole.  You can’t REMOVE the mandate which brings in millions of new people into the system but still say insurance companies are going cover everything.  That doesn’t work…do YOU understand that?  The Republican talking point from Republicans is “Repeal and Replace” the problem is the don’t actually have any REPLACE plans.  They have NO healthcare reform plans of their own.  

        • https://brevis.me Robert Ewoldt

          Hmmm… it seems like I just wrote a post about this very thing. Oh, wait, I DID: https://brevis.me/do-republicans-have-an-alternative-to-obamacare/

          • http://brocmiddleton.blogspot.com/ Broc Middleton

            Yes I know you did and I commented on that aswell…regardless Republicans do NOT have anything to REPLACE Obamacare with.  

    • boomSLANG

      “Immigration: Mitt Romney CLEARLY stated he would veto the Dream Act, but then
      also states he wouldn’t revoke the work permits for millions of undocumented immigrants.”

      But Broc, that’s what Romney actually said.  Surely you know that his position only counts when taken from his website ; )

      • http://brocmiddleton.blogspot.com/ Broc Middleton

        lol…i guess…

  • http://brocmiddleton.blogspot.com/ Broc Middleton


    How did you vote on the IL constitutional amendment regarding state pensions?  And Why?  

    • https://brevis.me Robert Ewoldt

      I voted yes on the amendment because we have an $83B unfunded pension liability. I think that Illinois public employees should be moved to a defined contribution plan, instead of a defined benefit plan, as they’ve historically been on. Private sector companies moved to this model a long time ago. My thinking is, if we make it harder to increase pension benefits, then we make it more likely that they’ll go to the more fiscally-sane defined contribution plans.

      • http://brocmiddleton.blogspot.com/ Broc Middleton

        I voted “Yes” on the amendment as well, mostly because of the massive pension problem we have here in IL that,  as you also noted.  I think this amendment is being demonized by many as attack on public workers, but this amendment doesn’t reduce or cut current pensions it only requires a larger majority to get any future INCREASE in public pension benefits.  This amendment is NOT going to fix our pension problem here in IL, which gave me pause about voting “YES” but it will help curb any possible ballooning of the pension liability.    A lot of BIPARTISAN work is still going to be needed to balance our state books but this amendment would signal a step toward fiscal responsibility   

        • https://brevis.me Robert Ewoldt

          Hey, we had a little bit of bipartisanship right here! I’m so happy. :)

  • http://brocmiddleton.blogspot.com/ Broc Middleton

    Won battle ground states

    Won electoral college 
    Won popular vote Held Senate 
    How about THAT! 

    • http://brocmiddleton.blogspot.com/ Broc Middleton

      Illinois  embarrassment Joe Walsh is out. 

      Todd Akin lost. 
      Murdoch lost. 

      • http://brocmiddleton.blogspot.com/ Broc Middleton

        Lastly and secondly ONLY to Obama’s RE-election. Elizabeth Warren WON her Senate race! Big win for America, she is great! 

        • https://brevis.me Robert Ewoldt

          I would not say that Elizabeth Warren is great. I think Scott Brown did a good job for the state of Massachusetts, and I’m not sure that they can do better with Warren. If you’re really for compromise in Congress, Brown was much better than Warren will be. Of course, if you’re an ideologue, then of course, Warren is the best!

      • https://brevis.me Robert Ewoldt

        I agree that Joe Walsh was an embarrassment.
        I’m not sad that Todd Akin lost.
        I’m disappointed that Richard Mourdock lost, because his comments were not out of line, though they were ill-advised and blown out of proportion.

    • https://brevis.me Robert Ewoldt

      Obama won 9.9M fewer votes this time than in 2008.
      He also won 2.5M fewer votes than George W. Bush did in 2004.
      However, Romney also won fewer votes than John McCain did in 2008… about 3M fewer votes.

      Just goes to show you… if the Republicans nominate a moderate, this is the kind of vote turnout they get. Remember this when you say that Republicans should nominate a moderate in order to entice independents.

      • http://brocmiddleton.blogspot.com/ Broc Middleton

        So you are one those saying…Republicans lost because they weren’t conservative enough??? Laughable Bob…dead wrong and laughable. 

        • https://brevis.me Robert Ewoldt

          Educate me, please, then, Broc. Explain why conservative candidates win and moderate ones lose.

          • http://brocmiddleton.blogspot.com/ Broc Middleton

            Its demographics Bob, I have been watching the news all day and consensus  is that  Mitt Romney lost because the Republican party is  made up of older white men and the demographics have change.  You aren’t going to win statewide or national elections with any regularity when you are losing all the following categories.  

            Women – Obama carried, they are over half the voting population and mitt lost women by something like 15 points Latinos – Obama carried, their numbers from 2008 are UP by 5 or so points and broke 70% to 30% for Obama 
            African Americans – Obama carried, their numbers are also up and it also wasn’t even close 
            Young voters – Obama carried, more and more of the millennials are coming to voting age and they do not support current Republican positions.  They are growing to be the largest demographic, even larger than the baby boomers.  

            The Bush electoral maps are over.  You can’t look at Bush, or Reagan or any of the historical maps and translate it to now.  The make up of our nation HAS changed.  The Republican party MUST significantly change if it wants to be a viable national party. Also these demographics are going to get better for Republicans in the  next four years either.  This election has to be a wake up call for Republicans.  

          • https://brevis.me Robert Ewoldt

            Broc, that was surprisingly lucid! I agree with you in part, and disagree in part. About young voters, I disagree (slightly). Yes, we can target young voters, but young voters tend to change their views as they get older. So, in that sense, we can just wait for those voters to come to us. The Left can have people when they’re young and stupid :)

            I agree that the Republican party needs to win more Hispanic, black, and Asian voters. However, I disagree with you (for the most part) that the Republican party has to change stances (on moral issues) in order to sway these voters. Yes, there needs to be a more articulate argument made on these issues (examples: the MO and IN Senate candidates). However, many Hispanic and black voters are social conservatives, and need only to be convinced that the Republican party has their best interests on other issues. How to do that is the issue (in my mind), because our policies have already been better for them in the past (ex: see rising unemployment under Obama as Exhibit A).

            In terms of women, if I recall correctly from the exits, women broke for Obama 55%-45%, which is a large (but not insurmountable) discrepancy. On the issue of abortion, women are practically split 50-50. I think, if Republican candidates can refrain from the dumb comments that seem to keep plaguing our candidates, and run disciplined campaigns that steer away from stupid questions, then we can definitely win.

            Here’s my major disagreement with you. You seem to think (and correct me if I’m wrong) that in order to win these groups, Republicans must change positions. In one instance, I think I agree with you, and that’s with Hispanics in regards to immigration. I think Republicans need to modernize their immigration policy. But, other than that, I think that we have policy positions that are winners. They just need to be sold well. And, when they’re sold well, these groups will see that the Democratic party is not the best party to look out for their interests.

            If you disagree, I’d love to hear more…

          • http://brocmiddleton.blogspot.com/ Broc Middleton

            Bob, my points are always lucid
            and frankly brilliant, your inability to recognize my brilliance  doesn’t change anything… ;) .  Now, I was watching CNN and they
            broke down some of the demographics from this race and the Republican strategist
            said something very interesting. ..She states that political identity hardens
            over time, and if the millennials broke for Obama in 2008 again in 2012 their political
            identity is hardening and Republicans may lose many in that generation.  Here watch the clip its completely on point
            with our discussion.  The Republican  statement is around the 2:15 mark. (http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/bestoftv/2012/11/07/nr-brooke-hoover-avlon-segment.cnn)

             Age 18-29: 60% Obama to 37& Romney

            Age 30-44: 52% Obama to 45% Romney

            Age 45-64: 47% Obama to 51%Romney

            Age 65+: 44% Obama to 56% Romney

            Bob, I am glad you agree that
            Republicans need to change there immigration position, or at least change their
            rhetoric.  Mitt Romney’s leap the far
            right on immigration with the whole “self-deportation”, veto the Dream Act
            tangent really hurt him in the general election.  Mitt Romney obviously felt he HAD to do tact
            further to right during the primary in order to win over the Republican base
            during the primary, and that is at the core of the Republican problem.  This  idea of a Republican purity test…that more
            moderate Republicans get challenged by more far right Republicans and then lose
            the general elections.  Examples that you
            noted Todd Akin in Missouri and Richard Mourdach  in Indiana, but also in 2010 Christine O’Donnell
            in Delaware, Shannon Angle in Nevada, Ken Buck in Colorado.  If Republicans had not chose to field more
            far right “tea party” Republicans and instead went with more “moderate”
            candidates, I believe Republicans would have taken control of the Senate. Hell,
            I still believe that the Republican party had a better chance of winning with
            Jon Huntsman than Mitt Romney.  Jon
            Huntsman had a better conservative economic record, he is more moderate on
            social issues which would have appealed to more INP voters and Jon Huntsman’s
            foreign policy credentials far exceeds Mitt Romney’s.  Jon Huntsman didn’t have the baggage of Bain
            Capital, didn’t have the baggage of signing the framework for Obamacare into
            the law in his home state.  Jon Huntsman
            doesn’t have a documented record of flip-flopping.  Jon Huntsman doesn’t scuff at the idea of
            climate change. So why didn’t Jon Huntsman gain any traction?  He wasn’t “republican enough”. 

            White: 39% Obama to 59% Romney

            African American: 93% Obama to 6%

            Latino: 71% Obama to 27% Romney

            Asian: 73% Obama to 26% Romney

            Other Minorities: 58% Obama to 38%

            Bob am I not sure but when you
            talk about women being split 50/50 on abortion, I believe you are referring to
            women identifying as “Pro-Life” or “Pro-Choice” correct?  I agree that when women identify as “pro-life”
            or “pro-choice” they are relatively even. 
            HOWEVER! When you ask about exceptions for abortion in cases rape or
            incest the numbers are NOT even close.  I
            believe the poll numbers show around 80% support exceptions for rape and
            incest.  Now I know Mitt Romney said he
            supported those exceptions for rape as well but he also stated support for a
            personhood amendment and he endorsed the failed candidate Richard Mourdock who
            made very stupid comments about rape and pregnancy, then didn’t with drawl his support.  Also the Republican party platform does NOT
            accept exceptions such as rape and incest. 
            So Mitt Romney being Republican gets tied to these overwhelmingly UN-popular
            positions.  Republicans went after the
            failed “personhood amendment” in Mississippi. Republican’s went after the
            failed trans-vaginal ultrasound position. 
            The Republican party has done considerable damage to itself regarding
            women with these positions and Mitt Romney being the Republican candidate did  NOT do a good enough job separating himself
            from those positions.   

            Men: 45% to 52%

            Women: 55% to 44%

            Quickly I believe Republicans won’t
            do better with the African-American community until it addresses the problem of
            racism within its party.  If you want to
            debate the fact that the Republican party has a problem with racism go head but
            the numbers don’t lie.  Nor the examples
            of racism that continue to pop up.  

          • https://brevis.me Robert Ewoldt

            Several points:

            1. 10.7 million people who voted in 2008 did NOT vote in 2012.  I think that, if Romney had performed as well as McCain did, he would have won the election, and then we’d be having a very different conversation.

            2. Racism: there is racism in both parties.  Because racism exists in the Republican party and is promoted on MSNBC doesn’t mean that it’s prevalent within the party.

            3. The Republican party needs to purge from its slate of candidates undisciplined candidates like Akin, Mourdock, Angle and O’Donnell.  However, I don’t think that the Tea Party beliefs are the problem.  It’s the lack of discipline of those candidates.  If we nominate disciplined candidates like Marco Rubio, Rand Paul and Ted Cruz, they are elected, even with very similar beliefs.

            4. I doubt that Jon Huntsman would have a chance of winning the presidency, if he could get past the primary.  For 2 reasons: (1) He would have to run to the right in the primary, which you would criticize him for; and (2) He would lose his base support in the general election for those very beliefs that you mentioned.

            5. In terms of abortion… Democratic candidates win the abortion argument when the argument focuses on the woman’s rights, instead of the child’s rights.  If Republican candidates focus on sympathizing with women who are in these situations, and then emphasize the life that’s at stake when an abortion procedure is done, then I think they have a winning argument.  Republicans have made tremendous advances in limiting abortions since 1972 because of uplifting rhetoric like that.

          • https://brevis.me Robert Ewoldt

            One small un-related question: do you copy and paste your comments into the field?  I only ask, because your comments often come across with weird line breaks in them.

          • http://brocmiddleton.blogspot.com/ Broc Middleton

            Yes i do

          • http://brocmiddleton.blogspot.com/ Broc Middleton

            Found another GREAT CLIP….they are talking about all the same stuff we are.  


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